8.40am-3.15pm for Reception-Year 6 children (gates open at 8.30am)
Morning Nursery session – 8.30am-11.30am.
Afternoon Nursery session – 12:15pm-3:15pm.
It is very important for all children to attend school every day and to arrive on time. Children should arrive in good time for 8:40am. This is essential to ensure that children benefit fully from classroom learning and that other children’s learning is not disrupted. If your child is persistently late parents will also have a meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to help them with strategies to prevent lateness from occurring.
Uniform is purchased from the school office. You can pay by cash or card. Unfortunately we cannot accept cheque payments.
For PE the children wear a white school PE t-shirt and black shorts, with trainers or plimsolls. In cold weather they can wear a tracksuit.
For reasons of safety children should not wear any jewellery in school apart from a wrist watch and, if your child has pierced ears, small studs may be worn. Children should be able to remove their own earrings. Jewellery must be removed for P.E. Parents may consent by letter for school staff to remove their child’s earrings.
Please ensure that your child’s clothing is clearly marked with their name so that if they lose something it can be returned if found. We have a lost property basket in the school. We also regularly display lost property in the atrium after school. Any unclaimed items are sent to a charity shop.
If your child is in Key Stage 1 (Reception to Year 2) they are entitled to a free school dinner. For Key Stage 2 dinners cost £1.50 per day (£7.50 for the whole week). Please pay for all dinners at the office on a Monday morning. If you think your child is entitles to a free school meal, please speak to the school office.
We have extended provision both before and after school hours.
Breakfast Club is open from 7:45 until the start of school every day. The children are offered a healthy breakfast before joining in with various activities.
Tea time club provides after school care until 6.00pm. A meal is provided at 4.30pm.
There is also a range of before and after school activity clubs.
Breakfast club is £2 per session payable on the day at the club. Tea time club is £6.50 per session payable in advance.
No. Unfortunately, we do not have parking facilities on site.
There is a covered reading shelter on the playground as well as trees providing shade elsewhere. We recommend that during the hot weather your child always brings sunscreen and a sun hat to wear in the playground.
Yes. Bike racks are provided on site. Children’s bikes and scooters can be kept in it during the school day.
We recognise and support able and talented children across the curriculum, including those who have a particular ability in the core subjects or talents in foundation subjects. At Mile Cross we are very proud of the achievements of our pupils and provide them with a range of opportunities and a platform for them to display their exceptional abilities and talents.
Children with SEN are offered full access to a broad, balanced, challenging and relevant curriculum for the EYFS and National Curriculum.
The aim of our Inclusion Policy is to provide access to the EYFS and the National Curriculum and all other areas of school life for children at our school at levels appropriate to their needs. The SEN information report has detailed information about the support we offer for each area of need.
There are lots of things you can do to help your child. Bringing them to school on time is really important so that they are present for all of their lessons. Arriving late means that your child misses part of their lessons and it is also disruptive for them and the rest of their class. We encourage you to work in partnership with the school by attending parent/teacher consultation days and events at school. You can also attend the many PE, reading and maths café events run across the school . Other important ways you can help your child are reading all the letters they take home, supporting them with homework, reading together so that your child reads at least five times a week and generally giving lots of encouragement and praise.
A letter with school holiday dates is sent home each year. This information is also available from the school office and is published here
Each child has their own named water bottle in their classroom and jugs of water are available at lunch.
We encourage healthy eating and expect parents to choose healthily if they choose to make a packed lunch for their children.
An example of a healthy packed lunch is:
A sandwich (no peanut butter, to protect children with nut allergies)
No crisps except baked snacks eg. baked crisps, cheddars, Yoghurt and a piece of fruit
Bottle of water or juice
No chocolate, sweets, fizzy drinks or nuts
If your child is too unwell to attend school please telephone the school office on 01603 425186 before 9:00 am to inform us.
In most cases your child should return to school as soon as they are well enough to do so. However, in the case of vomiting and diarrhoea your child should be well for 48 hours before they return to school. If you are unsure please call us.
Unfortunately, children do sometimes become unwell or have accidents while they are at school and we may need to call you. It can cause a child distress if we are unable to contact you in these circumstances. Therefore, please ensure that we always have up-to-date contact telephone numbers for you.
Parents can arrange to come into school to administer medication to their own children if necessary. Medication for children with asthma, severe allergies, etc is kept in the office. These are given by a first-aid trained member of staff. If a dose of medicine is needed during the day you will need to complete a form in the school office to enable us to give your child their medication. The office staff will not collect children from their classes to give them medicine, so please arrange with the class teacher or classroom assistant to bring your child to the office at the correct time. The office staff can give both prescribed medicines and over-the-counter medicines to your child with your written consent.
We discourage the bringing of toys and collectables (e.g. football cards) into school, unless the class teacher has specifically requested this.
If you need to speak to your child’s teacher the best time is usually at the end of the school day after all the children have been dismissed. We can also make appointments in the school office for parents/carers to see class teachers or other members of staff.
No. Holidays will not be authorised during term time. Any absences (other than through illness) will be recorded as unauthorised and you may incur a fixed penalty fine and risk your child losing their place at our school.
We are proud that Mile Cross Primary has never closed because of snow or bad weather. In the event of a severe emergency leading to school closures, this information can be found on the Norfolk County Council website.
Yes. Each year we have an elected school council comprised of two representatives from each class from Reception to Year 6. The school council meets once every half term to discuss issues that are important to all the children in the school.
Yes. Children are expected to read to an adult, five times a week. Children are expected to practice their time tables at home. Nursery and Reception children practice their sounds and tasks for Tapestry.
School finishes at 3:15. Children in Nursery, Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3 must be collected by a known adult.
Please let us know if someone different from usual is collecting your child. Older children are permitted, with your agreement, to go home by themselves.
We have many children in our school who are learning English. We have some specialist staff who are available to help children in their acquisition of English as an additional language.